DNA Activation
Starseed/Lightworker DNA Activation Attunement is an attunement that can be done in person or at a distance while talking via Skype. This activation will assist in the awakening of your natural abilities that match your Star Nation (your galactic origin). Yes, you have the same abilities as they do. This attunement will assist you to connect with your galactic guides from your home planet – your Star Nation – and embark on an exciting journey of spiritual growth and personal transformation.
This attunement includes:
- Energy work combined with the Language of Light. (The Language of Light combines all the languages from the universe in thought energy forms. Each sound carries an incredible amount of energy, color, geometric shapes and light-coded messages).
- Cutting of cords and other energy links that take away your energy and vitality.
- Releasing of energy that no longer serves you in a positive way.
- Reconnection of your basic axiational grid with Earth, yourself and Universe (your home world).
- Opening and activation of Earth and Soul Star chakras, reconnection to the Ancient Atlantis, Universe and the Beings of Light.
- Chakra cleansing, rebalancing and activation.
- Meridians – reconnection
- Activation of God’s line (thymus gland, pineal gland, nervous system) light body activation.
- Activation of 12 Strands of DNA.
More about the Attunement:
This attunement will assist you to awaken your psychic abilities that lay dormant for now or are just awakening. After this attunement your body will go through transformations on all planes. You will experience a level of awakening of the senses, a vast increase in your intuition and expansion of your psychic and healing abilities. You will feel a need to use and hone your natural abilities. You will be able to hold higher frequencies in your body, which will assist you to connect with your guides and assist you to discover your higher purpose in your life. You will grow and progress in your earth life, in your earth body, into the higher dimensions.
You may experience a sudden opening or gentle awakening of your abilities. Each of us is different, and how much and how rapidly you will accelerate into the higher dimensions depends on your level of experience and readiness. My guides would like to mention that each person who is intrigued in taking this attunement have their own reasons for doing so and will benefit to its highest purpose. All body energy changes and activations are based on free will. You cannot get this attunement for someone you love without his or her agreement or knowledge.
This activation process was channeled by Eva Marquez from her guides the “Lights of the Universe” to assist humans in undergoing transformation so that they may be able to progress into higher dimensions. Lights of the Universe suggested teaching this activation to energy healers, so they can assist starseeds in their spiritual evolution. Lights of the Universe are a group of guides, loving extraterrestrial beings that originate from various star systems. They are beings of light energy that are interested in helping us evolve to a higher dimension.
After the Attunement:
You may experience temporary discomfort as your body goes through a detoxification period both physically and spiritually. On the physical level you may experience flu-like symptoms – sweating, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, slight fever. You may also feel very thirsty, so drinking lots of water will help flush unhealthy toxins out of the body. On the spiritual level, waves of sadness or feelings of elevation may appear in cycles. As the spiritual body detoxifies, you may experience crying, laughing, sneezing, etc. You may also experience changes in your sleeping patterns – more lucid/vivid dreaming and/or visitations during dreams – and an expansion in your psychic and healing abilities. You will also feel drawn to and start meeting people who are on the same path as you and have similar abilities and interests. You may start to dislike your old friends and may start searching for new friends who will understand you. You may also become interested in a totally different occupation then the one you currently have.
How to further develop your abilities:
- Connect with your guides and keep communicating with them.
- Practice meditation on a regular basis.
- Honor your feelings and follow your calling.
- Write a journal of your experiences. Note each different sensation (vision, hearing, smell, taste, etc.) you experience and see if there is a repeating pattern, so you can learn from them and begin to understand, what you are sensing, seeing, hearing.
- Keep a dream journal. As soon as you wake up, write down your dreams before you forget them. They may make more sense to you at a later date.
- Read, research and educate yourself on topics you are passionate about. (It just may be your calling).