How can I use the MP3/CD/DVD, meditations and scripts purchased from Soulguidance.net?
When using outside your own four walls, commercial/commercial use or reproduction, the legal conditions for the use of audio and print media (meditations, CDs, scripts, etc.) must always be considered.
When you purchase one of our products, you will receive either a personal or commercial right of use, depending on your choice when you purchase the product. Personal use means that the right of use is not transferable to others. You can burn your MP3s to a CD or transfer them to your personal devices such as your computer or mobile devices such as mobile phones or MP3 Players/iPod or similar devices. If you lost your download, we will of course replace it with you.
All free meditations, CDs and scripts provided by Soulguidance.net are for private use only and may not be used for trade or commercially. If you wish to obtain a commercial right of use for one or more of our audio or print media, you can do so in our shop.
If you are a yoga teacher, leading meditations, are a hypnotist or Reiki therapist etc. please read the conditions on this page, more information can be found on the page “Professional Music License Terms”. You run a YouTube channel or similar or you work in another area where you want to use royalty-free meditation music as a companion for your business, please note the following restrictions in our Professional License Terms.
Music License FAQ
Can I share my purchased music with my family members?
Can I play your music in my spa, massage parlor or other shop?
Can I play my acquired music in my yoga class / meditation class?
Can I upload your music to my Youtube channel?
Can I record my voice to speak meditation / hypnosis / affirmations and sell them to my clients?
Can I copy and sell my purchased media or pass it on to my clients?
Notes on commercial use
When using the audio and print media of Soulguidance.net, a distinction is made between non-commercial, private and commercial use (professional). The license for commercial use is much more extensive and therefore also more expensive. Any customer who already has a non-commercial license can also purchase the commercial right for individual titles or individual MP3/CD/DVD at any time, taking into account the MP3/CD/DVD purchase price already paid once. Commercial use is granted for an unlimited period, i.e. anyone who has acquired the commercial right of use can use this meditation script, the meditation title or the entire MP3/CD/DVD for life without further costs or further reports must be made.
The following list shows the criteria for distinguishing between commercial and non-commercial use.
Examples of non-commercial use
- personal use on your devices
- We offer a “fair use policy”, you can share your music with the family circle, but we would like to encourage you to honor the work of Soulguidance by not sharing our works across the family circle.
- Public performances without the primary goal of profiting or advertising for themselves (without entrance fee, fee, marketing backgrounds, etc.).
- Spa, yoga or meditation class: Unlike other music services, you can play our music unchanged and as purchased, without special license terms, but we kindly ask you to recommend us :).
- The same applies to performances in retirement homes, clubs, hospitals or other social institutions without fees, entrance fees or other remuneration, but we kindly recommend :).
- Reproductions for private use on your devices, but not over the family circle.
Examples of commercial use
Commercial use is already available if only one of the following points applies:
- Basically when using audio and print media by companies and legal entities (e.g. associations, authorities), even when used internally for training, documentation, courses, etc.
- Basically when used in advertising/marketing, i.e. whenever an attempt is made to draw attention to products, services or companies through the use of audio and print media and pursues a business objective.
- When used at commercial/commercial trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses, courses, seminars, shows or other events and websites, if a business objective is pursued.
- When used on CD-ROM/Multimedia productions.
Commercial right of use
The commercial right of use of print and audio media such as CDs, meditations and scripts purchased by Soulguidance.net excludes the duplication and distribution of the acquired media, whether free of charge or for a fee.
We also offer our music as a CD or DVD. If you are interested in selling CD’s or DVD’s of our music in your shop, salon, yoga studio etc., then please contact us.
Audio files and audio recordings may be played for commercial or commercial use, e.g. at seminars, courses or coaching sessions.
Texts and scripts may be set to music or read aloud for commercial or commercial use, e.g. at seminars and courses, for audio recordings, YouTube videos (only with spoken word, meditations, affirmations, etc. and not as music alone) and the like.
In order to assess whether the audio and print media of Soulguidance.net are commercial or non-commercial, there are, of course, also cases, where this question cannot be decided definitively at the outset.
For Soulguidance.net, the honesty of the customers is in principle an important decision-making aid, whether intermediate solutions or special tariffs to be developed separately are offered. A solution that is fair to both sides and proportionate to the situation is always desired.