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7 Ways to free your home from negative energy
A beautiful home is an essential ingredient for a balanced lifestyle. Only if your home feels like it’s full of negative energy, then it’s time to get rid of that negative energy once and for all. Here are 7 easy ways to cleanse your home of negative energy!
Creating Custom Binaural Beats with Audacity: A Professional Guide to Enhance Your Audio Experience
Angel Meditation: Nurturing Your Soul with Empathy and Healing
Whether seeking solace in times of emotional turbulence or desiring a deeper connection with the spiritual dimensions of existence, angel meditation provides a sanctuary for the soul. It is an art that beckons us to explore the unseen, to embrace the healing embrace of celestial beings, and to unveil the hidden realms of our own potential.
Uncover the Secret to a Fullfilling Life
Leading a happier life starts with taking care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy meals, and exercise regularly. Spend time with friends and family, and make sure to take time for yourself to relax and do things that you enjoy. Find ways to reduce stress in your life, such as taking up a hobby, meditating, or practicing mindfulness. Make sure to take time to appreciate the small things in life, and don’t forget to laugh and have fun. By taking care of yourself and making time for the things that bring you joy, you can lead a happier life.
20 Strategies on how to master your challenges
Overcoming challenges can be difficult, but it is important to remember that challenges are a natural part of life and can provide opportunities for growth and learning. Begin by identifying the challenge and understanding why it is difficult. Break the challenge down into smaller, more manageable tasks and create a plan of action. Seek support from family and friends or professionals if necessary. Remember to stay positive and motivated, and don’t give up. Celebrate small successes along the way and focus on the benefits of overcoming the challenge. With persistence and determination, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way.
Spread Love, Embrace Kindness
In a world where there seems to be so much negativity and hate, it’s more important than ever to Spread love and embrace kindness. It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day brighter, and the ripple effect can be immense. By spreading love and kindness, we not only make others feel good, but we also help create a more positive and harmonious world. Here’s a joyful guide on how to spread love and embrace kindness!
The Secret of a Fulfilled Life – Self Acceptance
It’s time to embrace self-acceptance! Loving yourself is the key to living a happy, fulfilled life. Believe in yourself and all that you are, and you’ll see the magic of self-love unfold.
The Secret of a Fulfilled Life –
It might surprise you to learn that the secret of a fullfilled life is often found in nature. Spending time outdoors can help us feel more connected to ourselves and our environment, which can lead to greater happiness and contentment. This series of shorts videos of how to create a happier life tells you what you can do for your successful life.
The Secret of a Fulfilled Life – Spend Time with Positive People
Leading a happier life is a conscious decision that you can make. One of this leads to decide, who you want to spend time with.
144 Hz | Unity Consciousness | Return to Natural Order | Conscious Connection
If you’re looking to enhance your meditation practice and experience a deeper sense of unity consciousness, then 144Hz Binaural Beats may be just what you need. These beats are specifically designed to resonate with the natural order of the universe and guide your brainwaves into a state of deep relaxation and focus.
Heart Chakra Cleansing and Healing to open your Heart
Taking care of your Energy Taking care of your own energy is an important part of being a lightworker. Especially as a sensitive, we quickly accept energies from the environment, from others around us. We then too often forget to distinguish between foreign energies...
Love in the Solfeggio Tones
Open your Heart for Love Open your Heart for Love, a recording that opens your heart and heals the relationship with you and your loved ones as well as with everyone around you. It mainly contains Solfeggio frequencies. We start the meditation with the "wonder...
Erkenne Deinen Seelenpartner – geführte Meditation
Deinen Seelenverwandten auf einer nicht physischen Ebene treffen In dieser Meditation leite ich dich an, auf Zeichen zu hören und nach Symbolen deines Seelenverwandten zu suchen. Eine Seelenverwandtschaft ist eine weitere Dimension der Partnerschaft, in der...
Portaltag des Weissen Rhythmischen Spiegels
Am Portaltag des weissen rhythmischen Spiegels, geht es um Selbstreflektion. Der Portaltag am 28. Oktober 2021 Welche Strukturen gehören noch zu Dir, die Dich einengen und an Deiner Entfaltung hindern? Welcher Ordnung folgst Du noch, die aber nicht mehr passend ist?...
20 der Besten T-Shirt-Druck-Websites, um Ihren eigenen T-Shirts bedrucken zu lassen
Print-on-Demand-Dropshipping für den Verkauf Ihrer eigenen Waren nutzen Dieser Artikel gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die beliebtesten Druckdienstleister und Dropshipping-Anbieter für Ihr T-Shirt-Geschäft oder Ihren Verein. T-Shirts sind...
Energetisch Verbunden
Gedanken zur Flut in Nordwesteuropa
Ich sende Euch viel Kraft, Licht und Liebe - besonders aber denen, die ihr Zuhause oder gar ihre Liebsten verloren haben in dieser Flut. Meine Gedanken sind auch bei meinen Kollegen in diesem Gebiet und mit denen ich leider momentan keinen Kontakt habe. Ich hoffe, es...
Binaural Beats verändern Ihr Leben Positiv
Funktionieren Binaural Beats wirklich oder ist das alles nur Hokus Pokus? Binaural Beats sind einzigartige Töne, die bewirken, dass sie die Gehirnwellenfrequenzen des Zuhörers automatisch neu einstellen. Durch eine technologische Technik, die als Brain-Entrainment...
Was ist eine Zwillingsflamme – Auf welche Zeichen sollten Sie achten
enken Sie, dass Sie schon einmal Kontakt mit einem Seelenverwandten hatten? Wenn Sie auf Ihre Zwillingsflamme treffen, dann haben Sie einen Menschen kennengelernt, der in Ihnen ein Gefühl der Vertrautheit auslöste und trotzdem wirft diese Begegnung...
Alle 9 Solfeggio Frequenzen – was steckt hinter der Tonfolge
Übersicht über die Solfeggio Töne Die Solfeggio-Töne sind Frequenzen, die, jede für sich, eine bestimmte Schwingung haben. Diese Schwingungen sind dafür bekannt, dass sie eine heilende und gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung auf unseren Körper, Geist und Seele haben. Sie...
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