Uncover the Secret to a Fullfilling Life

Uncover the Secret to a Fullfilling Life

Short 2 - How to lead a happier lifeWhile these tips may sound simple, they should serve as a reminder for us to implement them on a daily basis.Leading a happier life is something that many of us strive for. It can be difficult to find the right balance between work,...

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20 Strategies on how to master your challenges

20 Strategies on how to master your challenges

How do you overcome your life challenges? For some people this means a real, deep odyssey, a deep valley from which there seems to be no way out. Others see challenges as the driving force in their life, then there are people who acknowledge and accept the challenge....

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Spread Love, Embrace Kindness

Spread Love, Embrace Kindness

In a world where there seems to be so much negativity and hate, it's more important than ever to spread love and embrace kindness. It doesn't take much to make someone's day brighter, and the ripple effect can be immense. By spreading love and kindness, we not only...

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The Secret of a Fulfilled Life – Self Acceptance

The Secret of a Fulfilled Life – Self Acceptance

Love Yourself, Love Your Life: Embracing Self-Acceptance Do you ever catch yourself comparing yourself to others or wishing you could be someone else? It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we need to be perfect in order to be happy or loved. However, the...

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The energy of the 7 main chakras

The energy of the 7 main chakras

Why taking care of your Chakras is so important   The energy of the chakras refers to the concept in Hindu and yoga philosophy that the human body has seven main energy centers, known as chakras, that regulate the flow of life force energy, or prana, through the...

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Meditation – Best Practices

Meditation – Best Practices

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a specific object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. It is a common practice in many spiritual and religious traditions, but it can also be practised secularly....

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Love in the Solfeggio Tones

Love in the Solfeggio Tones

Open your Heart for Love Open your Heart for Love, a recording that opens your heart and heals the relationship with you and your loved ones as well as with everyone around you. It mainly contains Solfeggio frequencies. We start the meditation with the "wonder...

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Portaltag des Weissen Rhythmischen Spiegels

Am Portaltag des weissen rhythmischen Spiegels, geht es um Selbstreflektion. Der Portaltag am 28. Oktober 2021 Welche Strukturen gehören noch zu Dir, die Dich einengen und an Deiner Entfaltung hindern? Welcher Ordnung folgst Du noch, die aber nicht mehr passend ist?...

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Gedanken zur Flut in Nordwesteuropa

Ich sende Euch viel Kraft, Licht und Liebe - besonders aber denen, die ihr Zuhause oder gar ihre Liebsten verloren haben in dieser Flut. Meine Gedanken sind auch bei meinen Kollegen in diesem Gebiet und mit denen ich leider momentan keinen Kontakt habe. Ich hoffe, es...

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Binaural Beats verändern Ihr Leben Positiv

Funktionieren Binaural Beats wirklich oder ist das alles nur Hokus Pokus? Binaural Beats sind einzigartige Töne, die bewirken, dass sie die Gehirnwellenfrequenzen des Zuhörers automatisch neu einstellen. Durch eine technologische Technik, die als Brain-Entrainment...

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